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The first two books in the Sin City Tale series are now available on ALL PLATFORMS.


Follow the members of premiere Las Vegas rock band Sin City across three full length novels as they find lust, love, and happily ever afters


Sinclair James wasn’t from my world.

She didn’t have my pedigree or family money.

She was everything I never wanted,

Everything I now realize I needed.

I loved her for six years, her soul, her body, her music.


Until I threw it all away.


One decision changed everything.

One decision destroyed what we had.


She slipped from my life as quietly as she had stolen my heart

But now she’s back.


Sinclair is mine, she just doesn’t know it yet.

This time I’m not letting her go.


So, what happens in Vegas…?


A second chance to repair what was broken.


He was everything I needed when I thought I had it all…


As front man for the band everyone’s eyes are on me.

I bask in the spotlight

Because it hides the flaws.


Everyone has secrets.

Mine will ruin everything I’ve built.

My career, my music, my life…


But keeping this secret?

It’s breaking my heart.


I knew how we would end before we started

And still I can’t resist him.

Not everyone will understand.

But I do.

It’s simple.

He’s the man I’m meant to love.


How long can I deny who I truly am?

Should I keep my secret or risk it all?


I don’t take anything too seriously.

Not the career that’s brought me fame and fortune, or the never ending string of women that fill my bed, and definitely not myself.


But life has a way of turning on a dime.


The party is over.

All the jokes have been told.

One beautiful face blurs with the next beautiful body and all I feel is…empty.


Until her.


The sexy complication too intelligent to ignore and too complicated to keep.


Jessica Johnson isn’t supposed to be in my world but now that she is I plan to make sure she enjoys the ride.


 So, what happens in Vegas…?

Boundaries are crossed.

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